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5 Must Have Attributes That Get You Hired

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

Undoubtedly, hiring remains an essential aspect of any business, specifically if yours is a fast-

growing one. Whether you have a strong mission, products, founders, or vision, the success of

your business will be restricted, specifically if there is no adequate employee base.

Consequently, it is highly essential that you make the right hiring decisions in order to achieve

success in your company.

Let’s face the sad truth. The entire recruitment process is a tough and challenging one. There is a reason behind the cost-effectiveness of hiring on platforms such as LinkedIn. Navigating

through all those noises and convincing the best employees to join your team isn’t an easy feat.

Of course, some companies and businesses take priority in characteristics such as gender or

age solely based on the perceptions that stereotypes can help simplify choices. This approach to hiring employees is a grave mistake and could result in you missing out on high-quality employees. Apart from that, you also tend to decrease the diversity of that particular office.

Here, we’ll be revealing a few of the characteristics and attributes that are shared by

employees. Seek out these 5 must have attributes when hiring job seekers for a particular

position in your company or businesses. If there is anyone who demonstrates an ability to excel as an employee individually, then you are good to go. Here are the 5 must have attributes that get you hired :

1. Ability to Adapt to the Working Environment

The world is changing rapidly at what seemed to be referred to as break-neck speed. As the day goes by, more and more people are integrating advanced levels of designs, marketing, and prototyping tools, as well as strategies that’ll help to squeeze out a significant competitive edge.

In the present age of human resource management, the best employees are those that possess the ability to adapt to a new environment swiftly. For new hires, one trait you should consider highly essential apart from the existing knowledge and skillsets is the ability to learn new things. For instance, your level of experience in writing sales copy for over 10 years back doesn’t matter anymore.

This is because marketers and consumers now read sales copies and emails differently. As a result, those older approaches to emails and sales copywriting are less effective. As a hiring manager, you should look for attributes that will evolve over time in your prospective employee. Traits that won’t only be effective for a few months but will stand the test of time.

2. Openness to New Technology

Following the ability to adapt to a new environment, your employee’s understanding of the roles of technology in your entire company or business is also essential in propelling your business forward. As a prospective employee, you should be able and willing to master the impact of modern-day technology in both the present and future of your workplace. If you are unable to be abreast of this, there will be a significant limitation in what you can achieve or accomplish for your business.

For resistant employers, you should be aware that technology will only be a blocker but not a

boost. However, for hiring employees, if you are able to embrace and move ahead with new

advancements in technology, there is no doubt that your business will be spurred with

innovations and tremendous growth.

3. Readiness to Accept Criticism

Several research evidences has revealed that people who are able to tolerate positive criticisms constructively will record a steady improvement in their performances at work. Apart from that, they’ll be easier to work with as well as create less drama.

Of course, no one is perfect, but every employee tends to improve one aspect of their

performance or another. Therefore, employees that are able to accept constructive criticism

truly and work towards improvement will achieve the highest growth from your team members.

4. Passion

Another study conducted in Deloitte revealed that 87.7 percent of the entire workforce are

unable to make a significant contribution of their full potential because they lack passion for the work they engage in. Whenever a worker is internally motivated, those kinds of workers seem to make more achievements.

Workers with intrinsic drives to the kind of works they are doing will remain self-starters while

the other counterparts who are extrinsically motivated by the hours of work or incomes they

make. Indeed, people that are passionate about their jobs tend to spread wealth all around

them. Even in times of challenges, they are able to attack their work with vigor and utmost


5. Culture Fit

According to a study conducted in 2015 in Deloitte, 87 percent of companies and businesses

claim that culture and engagement are their top challenges. Indeed, this statement could be

considered filled with some senses. This is because it is a complex process to build an

influential culture where people thrive and collaborate.

The foundation of this culture begins with the hiring process. Culture fits should be considered an essential factor like other factors such as skills, qualifications, intelligence, and experience. However, regardless of the previous experience of a particular candidate, if you observe that the candidate will find it difficult to get along with the team members, there is no how it would be a good match for you or your business.

Of course, bringing together people who can fit perfectly into a larger company’s culture will

create both short and long term benefits. This is specifically true for positions that are crucial to your business where every employee matters the more. There you have it! Perhaps a few of the must-have attributes to be considered for employment.

While every employer tends to be in search of unique sets of skills, both technical and

academical, specific human skills are also required universally by recruiters and hiring

managers. From entry-level to soft skills, you should consider mastering these soft skills in order to be successful in your chosen career while at the same time bringing optimum value to your position.


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