7 Acts That Can Kill Your Career
Updated: Nov 21, 2019
Are you a well trained and knowledgeable employee struggling to get the
promotion you deserve? If so, you could be harming your career if you stay silent.
Understand how to prevent damage to your reputation and your future by reading
about the 7 acts that can kill your career.
New employees from diverse occupations could benefit from a Career Survival
Guide. There are 7 typical career mistakes we need to address here first. This
should ensure that the most common problems are dealt with.
Many corporations fail to instruct new workers on the 7 acts that can kill your
career. In a way, I have to respect their choices. After all, not everyone is receptive
to such feedback. I would have found the brutal truth too much to cope with at the
beginning of my career. I was younger, and I had my own beliefs about working
hard and getting ahead.
Once you realise that the rags to riches tale is just a story from the past, you can get
to the really meaty stuff; the real truth about the 7 acts that can kill your career.
Seven career ruining sins you could be guilty of right now!
Ok, time is of the essence here. You have your career to build. Let’s get to it.
The 7 Acts That can Kill Your Career
Acts that kill your career won’t necessarily cause you to lose your job; however,
they are likely to stop you from advancing in your career the way you would like.
You could stay in the same job for years. But you don’t want to just keep your job,
do you? You want career advancement too. If you are interested in getting a
promotion and being recognised for what you do, if you really want to become
more than a number in an employment directory, then you too can avoid the 7 acts
that kill your career.Here it is the list of things to avoid. Now you can work smart not harder and get that promotion without breaking a sweat.
1. Gossiping
Gossiping can help to relieve some workplace stress. It’s fun, and it makes a nice
break from the daily routine. However, it is likely to backfire in some way. Gossip
can be devastating to your chances of getting your promotion. Don’t engage in it at
all if you still want to get ahead. What goes around comes around, and sooner or
later gossip reaches the right ears. There may be someone who is jealous of your
success just waiting to pounce. Why chance it? It’s not worth it.
If you find that gossip is circulating about you, stop it in its tracks by bringing it
out in the open. Confront the person spreading the gossip and ask them to stop
spreading it. Let your boss know what’s’ going on.
2. Sharing personal information
Sharing too much personal information is an easy mistake to make, and too much
is far less than you think. In essence, your personal life needs to stay private.
People naturally get lonely and friendships do develop. However, keep your
private life, including details about your health, private. If the boss had to make a
decision between two candidates in future, and he knows that one has an illness,
which one is he likely to choose if all other qualities are equally weighed? It’s not
about being fair. It’s about getting you that promotion. You already decided to
have a career, so this is the game you have to play!
3. Disagreeing with the boss in public
Your boss may say something quite incorrect in a public place. He may well be an
idiot. Hold your tongue! Whatever you do, don’t disagree with your boss in front
of others. You can let him know in private if your “correction” is important to you.
Let your boss know that you are a united front when you are together in a public
4. Losing your temper
Never allow yourself to lose your temper in the workplace. This means staying
cool and collected at all times, even in a crisis. Managers and directors prefer
employees who can stay calm in a crisis while working for a solution. You don’t
even need to be the hardest working or most highly skilled worker. Being calm and
collected in a crisis, while working towards the best outcome is a leadership
quality which won’t go unnoticed.
5. Voicing negative opinions about the company
Confusing the right to free speech with voicing negative opinions about your
company is not going to win you that promotion. No one can stop you from saying
anything you want, but it’s not going to end well if you have your heart set on
getting ahead where you work. By avoiding saying negative things about the
company, you can avoid common mistakes in the workplace that stop people from
getting promoted. If you’re really not happy about some of the working practices
in your company, perhaps it’s better to try to get another job.
6. Using Self-righteous phrases like “It’s not fair”
Life isn’t fair. That said, once you learn the rules of the game it gets easier. Then
you don’t have to try so hard. Avoid presenting yourself as a self-righteous
employee. This is necessary even if you are the hardest worker of all. Eradicate all
self-righteous vocabulary and you are set for the next level of responsibility.
7. Calling colleagues out
At my old job, I didn’t just want to call colleagues out; I wanted to flatten them for
stealing my ideas, playing cruel pranks, and for being idiots. Was I right to think
that way? Irrelevant! Speaking out against colleagues cost me so much in the past.
It’s far better to wait for a conversation with the boss to air your concerns. So next
time your colleague steals your ideas, count to ten and take it to the boss.
I did try to warn you that this is a rude awakening. It is brutally honest especially if
you have already made a few of the mistakes mentioned. However, there is hope
on the horizon. Watch your step in future and your chances of promotion will
greatly increase.
Once you know about the 7 acts that kill your career, life at work becomes much
easier. It’s easy once you understand what to avoid doing in order to increase your
chances of promotion. This way, you don’t ruin a long and happy career with one
of these 7 actions.
Have you experienced any other acts that ruined someone’s career? Have you
made a few mistakes in the past and learned from them? What would you add as
the 8 th act? Feel free to express your answers in the comments..