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How to Answer the Most Common Job Interview Questions:

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

On every job interview, you are bound to run across a number of job interview questions. Even though the scale of the job interview process has changed (via the behavioral interview), there are still core questions that you will have to expect to answer: “Tell Me About Yourself”? “Tell Me About Your Greatest Weaknesses” and “Why Should I Hire You”

In this post I want to take you through these questions. More importantly, I want to teach you “how to NOT answer these questions”, “How TO answer these questions” “Why Employers ask these questions” and I will also provide sample answers that you can use and tailor on your next job interview. Read on to to find out how to answer the most common job interview questions.

Tell Me About Yourself: The Do’s, Don’ts, and How to Tell me about yourself is the most commonly utilized question in an interview. This question will more than likely set the

tone for the rest of the interview, so it is a MUST that you prepare properly for this daunting question. If you do not prepare properly, you run the risk of losing some points with your interviewer early on.

What is the “Tell me about yourself” question? This question is the opportunity for you to let the employer know that you are the right candidate for the position and that you have the qualifications necessary in order to exceed expectations in this position. This question gives you the right to brag about yourself a little bit (don’t be a afraid to brag), it is your job to let the interviewer know that you are the right person for the position.

What the “Tell me about yourself” question is NOT?

This question is not an open invitation to talk about what you did when you were a kid, where you grew up, what you do on the weekend, and what restaurants you go to every night. Quite frankly, the interviewer doesn't care about any of those.

If you start off an interview talking about anything not related to why you are the best candidate for the position, then it may be a good chance your interview will be cut short.

What key aspects to include when answering this question?

When answering the “Tell me about yourself” question, there should only be a couple of factors that you incorporate into you answer: Key Strengths – Incorporate 3 to 4 key strengths that you have obtained at a previous job and/or organization and how you

can bring it to the current job you are interviewing for. Do not be afraid to brag about yourself in an interview.

When highlighting your key strengths, be sure to mention strengths that are ESSENTIAL to the job you are interviewing for. For an example, if the job description states that they need someone who has great attention to detail and works great independently, you want to talk about those traits or mention strengths that compliment those traits.

Recent Work Experience – The interviewer is not looking for you to go into detail about every job you've ever had, instead touch primarily on your most recent RELEVANT work experience and how your experience at that job prepared you for the job you are currently interviewing for. It is also OK to lightly touch on some of your older positions as long as you have acquired relevant skills or traits from those positions.

Accomplishments – Don’t be afraid to brag, this question give you the right to brag about yourself and you should take advantage of it, give the interviewer about 2 or 3 relevant accomplishments that you have obtained at a previous job and/or organization, if you have no major accomplishments then talk about some of the high points in your career or some

accomplishments that you feel are essential in completing the job.

If you feel as though you have no accomplishments or you have no high points in your career, think deeper, if you still cant think of anything then lightly touch on your job duties and how those duties helped you develop certain skills to be successful in the current position you

are applying for.

What you have learned – Talk about what you have learned at your previous jobs and how it has prepared you for this position. Remember do not be afraid to brag about yourself, this is your chance to show the employer that you are the best person for the position.

How do I answer this question if I have NO previous work experience? After reviewing many job interview resources out there, we have come across answers that only a person with years of experience can actually say in an interview. Now, if you are a college student or recent college grad and you have not had the liberty of obtaining internship experience, you may be wondering how in the world am I supposed to answer this tough interview question? The truth is, because you don’t have previous work experience and you actually made it to an interview, this question will be much easier for you because the interviewer is well aware of this.

This example is assuming that you at least had the liberty of joining social organizations on your campus such as fraternities, community service organizations, Student Government Association etc. With that being said, lets get right to it.

Question: Tell me about yourself? Answer: Sure, throughout my college matriculation I have had the opportunity to be involved in several numbers of social organizations such as __________, ________, and _______. Not only have I been a part of these organizations, I’ve also held office positions in those organizations such as ____________ and _______.

Throughout those positions I’ve held, I have learned valuable skills that I am sure your company will admire such as leadership, diligence, dedication, multitasking and the ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines (If the position have other strengths and

characteristics that they admire, then talk about those). I personally understand in this position I will be faced with challenges in which I will have to overcome certain obstacles, I feel as though these positions I’ve held will allow me to complete these tasks as efficiently and timely as possible. I can give you more examples if you like.

(Provide examples in which you have demonstrated these abilities if the interviewer asks for them). This is a perfect answer if you lack work experience because you have outlined your core strengths and values. Be sure to tell the interviewer that you can give more details if they would like, this lets them know that you are well prepared and you were very active in your social organizations. So, if you lack work experience or you are a recent college grad, don’t be afraid when this question arise because you have the skills it takes to get this position.

How do I know this? You got called for an interview right? They are obviously interested in what you have to offer.

Important Note: Make sure your answer is no shorter than 30 seconds but no longer than 2 minutes, you want to give the interviewer a brief description of your qualifications without sounding like a broken record (If the interviewer needs more details, they will ask).

How do I answer this question If I do have work experience? If you do have previous work experience and you are looking to answer this question correctly, just follow the same steps

listed above but instead of talking about leadership positions you’ve held in social organizations, talk about:

Skills you learned at your previous job – Be sure to include skills you have learned at your previous job and how those skills are going to contribute to the success of the position.

Accomplishments at your previous job – For instance, if you saved the company $100,000 last year or you were named the top sales representative in the state then It will be worthwhile to put that in your answer (remember, do not be afraid to brag about yourself).

This will more than likely be the first question you are asked, it will set the tone for the rest of the interview so it is important to prepare properly. Remember to avoid throwing the question back at the interviewer by saying what will you like to know? Just keep in mind that this is the time to sell yourself BRIEFLY, if the interviewer wants more in depth details, they will ask you. Also, remember to always take the initiative and ask the interviewer “would you like me to provide an example”.

Tell Me About Your Greatest Weaknesses: The Do’s, Don’ts, and How to

One of the most common interview questions is,Tell me about your Greatest Weakness Most of us cringe at the thought of answering this type of question because our natural tendency is to want to portray our strengths instead of admitting to our flaws. This is a question you will probably be asked during your interview. This post will give you some

insight on how you should tackle this question.

What the Interviewer is looking for?

Now, you may think this is a pointless question. I mean, why would someone want to know what my weaknesses are? Wouldn’t they much rather hear about my strengths? Well, they don’t. In fact, interviewers want to see if you are honest and willing to admit that you do have flaws. Remember, the person interviewing you is not some corporate god who's

mastered every skills know to man, they have weaknesses as well. Interviewers also ask this question in order to see if you lack a primary skill or trait that that is essential to the performing at that job you are interviewing for. Be very careful when answering this question, you would not want to raise any red flags.

How to Answer this Question

This question is very important and there are many ways you can answer it without sounding scripted. The first step to avoid in answering this question is the cliché that all of us are used to hearing. The most common way of answering this question is to use a strength and try and make it sound like a weakness, Interviewers are not amateurs, and they were not

born yesterday. If you answer this question by saying you work too hard or you are a perfectionist, then you can guarantee that you just lost some points with your interviewer. The problems with these two answers are that they are way too common and they are not actually weakness (which is what the interviewer is looking for). Instead, you can answer this

question in one of three ways:

  • Select a current weakness and how you plan on correcting it – This is one way you can tackle this question. In this case, you want to tell the interviewer about a current weakness you have (preferably not one that is essential to the job you are applying for) and tell them how you have been working to turn it into a strength that can ultimately benefit their company. For example, I might admit that one of my weaknesses is time management and taking on too much responsibility, which can conflict with the actual time in which I prefer to get projects completed. I might add that I’ve noticed this in the past and have attended various seminars on time management.

  • Now I keep a day planner (this would be a good time to pull out your planner) and here’s how it has helped me so far. I understand that working on perfecting this will allow me to succeed beyond expectations in this position, will this skill perfected, I can be an even great asset to your company. As you can see, I have identified a weakness, told the interviewer how I recognized it as such, and explained how I was currently working on this weakness and how turning it into strength would benefit their company. I was also honest with the interviewer.

  • Select a technical weakness – You must research the position thoroughly if you plan on answering in this form. If you have researched your job description and you see that the position requires you to use a certain program or system you have not used previously, this is your chance to explain this weakness to the interviewer. I call this the weakness question because you are displaying a weakness in regards to their current technology (think about it, how many interviewers expect their candidates to know the functions of the systems they use), this will not raise a red flag. I used this answer at my first job as an Accountant for the Empire State Building Company, LLC.

  • They were using a system called Yardi Payscan. I was a recent graduate with experience in NOTHING. Nine times out of ten, the employers are going to teach you to use their new systems anyway. For example, imagine you are applying for an accounting job that uses Yardi Payscan and you only have experience using Quick Books pr another related software. In this case, you might say I've noticed that your company uses Yardi Payscan. I have not used this system yet but I have experience using Quickbooks. I’ve learned the ins and outs of Quick Books in a matter of weeks and I am sure I’ll be able to do the same with Yardi Payscan. I am a quick andefficient learner, especially when it comes to learning new systems. This answer can apply to any software or program.

  • Select a downfall in a previous company – This answer works extremely well if you are applying for a huge company but you only have experience in small groups or smaller companies etc. For an example, I might say that one of my weaknesses is that I am not used to being employed in a company of a larger size. My previous job only had around twenty employees and was a rather small environment. However, although the environment was small, it allowed me to become an integral part of tasks that were not directly associated with my department.

  • This opportunity allowed me to increase my multitasking skills and it allowed me to become a more integral part of many tasks outside of my own job description. I’m sure that your company values a person who is well-versed in a range of departments With this example, you are showing the employer that, even though you are not used to working for a large company, you are willing to take the initiative to tackle other tasks that may stray from your specific job description.

  • This also gives you a chance to talk about some of your key skills as it relates to the position.

How to NOT Answer this question?

Be very careful when answering this question because there is definitely a wrong way to answer it. Here are some errors many job candidates make when encountering this question: Weaknesses that will actual hinder you from performing successfully – Although it is important to display an actual weakness, you don’t want to show that you have a weakness that happens to play in integral part in the success of the position. For example, you don’t want to say that your biggest weakness is dealing with other people if you’re applying for a sales position. Giving an answer like that will probably signal the end of the interview.

Clichés – PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay away from clichés such as i am a perfectionist or I work too hard.Although these are strengths that can be considered a weakness, they don’t change the fact that everyone and their mother has used this response in an interview. Employer’s interview people frequently and have heard every answer in the book.

Be sure to stay away from clichés and be original with your responses. The best answers are going to come from your experiences.Saying you don’t have a weakness – A common mistake among interviewees is the answer I don’t have any weaknesses The interviewer will immediately know that this is complete crap. Everyone has some sort of weaknesses.

Boasting about not having a weakness is like saying you don’t have strength. Just avoid this at all costs.

Why Should I Hire You: The Do’s, Don’ts, and “How to This will often be the second to last question you get in your interview. This question is really your make or break

moment. If you feel that you haven’t done well throughout your overall interview, this is your chance to redeem yourself.

If you prepare properly, there is no reason why you shouldn’t nail this question and increase your chances of getting the job over your competitors.

What is the Interviewer looking for?

Very simply, the interviewer is looking to see if you're the best person for this position. They want to see what distinguishes you from the other candidates and why should you get the job over them. In a nutshell, they want to know why you are the best person for the job. The interviewer is pretty much saying Hey, I am giving you $50,000 a year in

order to fulfill this job opportunity, why in the world should I give you this $50,000 over the rest of the 10 candidates I previously interviewed why should I invest in training you?

How to NOT Answer this Question?

It is important to know how you shouldn’t answer this question in order to avoid knocking yourself from the list of top candidates. You should not answer this question by saying that you need a job, you need the money, or because you simply want the job. Although this may be true, it is not convincing to an interviewer and it comes off as being selfish

while adding little value.

How to Answer the Question?

When answering this question, it is important to let your interviewer know that you are the best person for the job (don’t be afraid to say so). Of course, you will have to back your answer up with why this is true. Think about what makes you unique, what special skills do you have, and what kind of traits you possess that the company will admire. Make sure that

your answer corresponds to the details of the job and the company as a whole. To answer this question correctly you have to let the interviewer know how THEY will benefit from hiring you.


Answer: Great question. You should hire me because I am the best person for this job. I bring a passion for achieving positive results. I also realize that your company is founded on commitment, excellence, and a high sense of integrity, I share those same values. You should also hire me because the specifics of this job correspond to my key strengths, such as__________, __________ and __________. I know that the team and the company will benefit from these skills that I possess. I also understand your need for a ___________ (insert position name) who has additional skills and characteristics (grab these skills and characteristics from the actual job posting) such as __________ and __________ and

I’ve developed these skills throughout my experience. If need be, I can provide you specific details in which I've demonstrated these skills.

In this answer, it is clear that I was not afraid to demonstrate to the interviewer that I am, in fact, the best person for this job. I then went on to say that I share the same values as the company and that I will easily fit in. I also went on by letting the interviewer know that the specifics of the job are up my alley and I will prevail in my position, I ended it by letting

them know that I understand the need for this position and the skills and characteristics that it takes to be successful (this is a chance to sneak in some more of your core strengths). Covering these points will make you look like a superstar, ending your interview on a strong note.

This is a definitive guide on how to answer some of the most common job interview questions. Please remember to tailor your answer specifically to the position you’re applying for.



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