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How to make a Good First Impression at Your New Job

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

Changing jobs or getting into a new job is all about the “first impression”. It is a well-known fact that the first impression is important in every aspect of life. The impact of first impressions always turns out to be long term perceptions and reputations. This makes a positive first impression a very important factor that determines the direction your career will likely take when you join an organization. This is the reason you must ensure you don’t make negative impressions on your first day on the job, especially if you are leaving a previous job.

Now, you may have left your previous job for a specific reason but now that you are starting your new position, everyone in your place of work, including your boss will always look out for certain traits in your character that will help shape their perceptions about you, so it is important to ensure that your ducks are in a row if you would like to be successful.

Those first few hours when you meet everyone at your new place of employment, and they get to know you play very vital roles in determining your long term success in the company. Putting up a great impression will give everyone you will be working with a positive perception about you and your potential to do well with the company. Below are some very effective steps you can take to make sure you leave the very best impression on your superiors and subordinates when you arrive at that new job. Read on to find out how to make a good first impression at your new job.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude has never failed to produce the required results in all situations, including in your new role Having and making a positive attitude about your new job helps create a very enthusiastic atmosphere between you and your new colleagues. Never allow any personal problem to come in the way of your enthusiasm and cheerfulness as you meet and interact with your new boss and colleagues.

Dress to Impress

One very important factor that helps create a positive first impression about you on your first day is your fashion sense. It is always important that you look as professional as possible to enable you to fit into your new work environment. Showing up to work dressed like you are going out with friends will leave a negative impression about you, and such impressions linger for as long as you remain

with the company. Dress the way you want to be perceived and treated. If the company you just joined has some special colors or official attires, make sure you look like every other worker. Dressing to have sex appeal on your first day on the job is a very wrong

choice. Make sure you look professional in whatever you wear.

Be Friendly

Every organization looks for workers who can be good team players. Make sure you make as many friends as possible on your first day on the job. You must be willing to join in conversations and make reasonable contributions to discussions. This will create the

positive impression that you are a good team player in the mind of your boss and your colleagues.

Get to Know the Names of as many Colleagues as Possible

No one will expect you to know the first name of every member of staff by the end of your first day, but it is important that you get on

a first name level with a number of colleagues. Even if you are bad with names, try to memorize a few to show how engaged you are

and how interested you are in getting to know everyone. If you ever forget any name, always render apologies and ask for their name again.

Ask Relevant Questions

Your first day will probably be a day of getting to know everything you need to know about the company and your job responsibilities. Always ask relevant questions to gain more knowledge on the different aspects of the company. Asking questions and asking for help will create the impression that you are always ready to learn new things and improve. You are not expected to know everything so soon, but it is important to retain as much information as possible. Never try to prove you are too smart, allow the older and more experienced workers to guide and teach you. Listen while your colleagues and supervisors try to explain things to you.

Take Notes

People who want to remember every important detail they learned on their first day take notes of all the important information they get from colleagues and supervisors. Even if your memory is photographic, taking notes will help you remember things more accurately in the future. Taking notes will prevent you from asking the same questions repeatedly.

Take Initiative

Taking initiative involves being a self-starter. Most times, you will be given small tasks to handle without supervision to get your feet wet. It is always good to ask for more assignments when you are done with the ones you were given rather than sitting and waiting for the next tasks. Don’t wait for assignments, stick up your hand and ask for something to do. This will show you have really come to work. It is one good way of creating a positive impression. You can volunteer to join in tasks, even if you do not know exactly how to get them done.

Get enough information about the company’s history

You may have carried out your research prior to joining, but it still does not rule out the fact that you need to learn more now that you are an insider. Listen while others talk, don’t try to show how much you already know about the company and your boss. Look for relevant magazines and reports and read up as much information about the company as possible.

Be Punctual

One important way to show your level of commitment is by always being on time. If it is a 9-5 job, signing in by 8:30 is a good way to start. Don’t be in a haste to leave the office after working hours. You can sign out by 5:30 rather than 5 o’ clock on the dot. Nothing

damages your reputation more than coming in late and leaving early.


As the newest member of your company, there will be difficulties and opportunities. Your major goal should be to make the best of all situations and create the best impressions. These tips will go a long way to help you make a good impression on your first day at work.

This first impression may be all you need to become a team leader in the near future.



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