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Top 6 Skills that Make You More Marketable to Employers

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

When it comes to the workforce, nothing will remain forever. So, this implies that the job skills

that employers look for in prospective job applicants and new employer changes from year to

year. And yes, one of the best ways to succeed as an employer is to remain competitive and

stay ahead of the never-ending curve.

Of course, the workplace progresses rapidly, and employers need workers who stay current and follows the trend. This implies that you should try as much as you can to develop your existing skills or acquire new ones. Are you in search of a better job? How do you make your skillsets more marketable to employers?

Here, we’ll be revealing the top 6 skills that make you more marketable to employers. With these sets of skills, you will have the edge over others in the job market. Let’s get started, shall we?

1. Social Media Literacy

In recent times, social media platforms such as Linkedin, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and so forth have been changing the way companies do business. This is why it is highly essential to understand the mode of operation of these tools and be able to utilize them for business purposes effectively. However, many job seekers of today haven’t been able to capitalize and make effective use of the far-reaching importance of social media.

According to the CEO of DigiStar Media, Robin Colner, social media literacy is considered one

of the top job skills employers seek in new employees in the present world. Prospective job

seekers who have spent quality time to build upon and develop their robust online personal

brands with the use of content marketing and social media tend to have a clear coast

specifically when compared with other candidates with little or no experience of social marketing.

Similarly, one of the effective ways to highlight social media skills as one of your essential skills during a job interview is by describing how you make positive use of these websites. Do you use platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to stay updated with news relating to industries or interact with thought leaders? What types of posts do you share on these social media platforms? Indeed, your activities on social media should serve a definite purpose that’s purely different from boredom.

2. Problem Solving

When it comes to the essential skills expected of you as a job seeker or new employee, your

problem-solving abilities will continue to remain in fashion. Of course, challenges are inevitable, and they can arise at any time. This is why employers will like to see that you are the perfect fit to troubleshoot and find a lasting solution to the myriads of problems being faced by that particular company. And yes, they want to see your potentias in solving problems independently.

In order to prove your problem-solving skills in front of prospective employers or hiring

managers, you should endeavor and take your time to cite relevant examples from your

previous jobs. You should analyze where you identified a problem, your approach to finding a

solution, and how you were able to resolve those issues successfully.

3. Creativity

According to a global survey conducted by the World Economic Forum, it was discovered that

creativity is the third of the essential skills after critical thinking and problem-solving. This is

because employers are always in search of people who can come up with fresh ideas for their


Indeed, most job interviews may not provide a conducive environment to adequately

demonstrate your creativity in real-time. Thus, the perfect way to showcase your creative skills

is to mention a few of the innovative ways you tackled in the past. For instance, you might have employed your creative skill in streamlining the production process of your department, or you discovered an effective way to shrink the operating costs of the company. Creative

achievements like these are the types of music that hiring managers would love to open their

listening ears.

4. Resiliency

In every industry, trials and errors seem to be a recurring process. While innovation solely

depends on experimentation, you as a new employee should demonstrate your resiliency skill to hit as well as win. Hiring managers and employers are primarily concerned with how you can thrive individually in tough scenarios. This is why resiliency is considered one of the most searched skills in the present job market.

While this skill might have a similarity with problem-solving skills, resiliency remains more

specific and focused on your ability to recover and get back on your feet in times of setbacks.

Instead of crumbling under failure, employers want to see you learn from failures and get back

on your feet as soon as possible.

5. Good Sense of Business

While more companies prefer flat organizational structures, others are always in search of

people who understand the fundamentals of business principles. Nowadays, individuals need to have an insight into how a company operates. Therefore, showcasing your skill of good

business sense to your hiring managers can make you shine forth more significantly than other candidates.

6. Data Analytics

Undoubtedly, the entire world is rapidly moving into more data-driven society. Ideally, numbers are useless unless there are those who can interpret them. As a result of this, hiring managers tend to consider candidates who perfectly understands how to handle and utilize data.

This is an essential skill that everyone must possess, regardless of whether you are a job

seeker or not. However, as a job seeker, you should be able to boast of your data analytics

skills as well as computational thinking. Whether it be coding, programming, or machine

language, you will have the edge over other candidates who do not possess this skill. If you are unfamiliar with data, you do not need to fret or be worried. You can simply enroll for an online course to easily improve your data analytic skills.

There you have it! These are the top 6 skills that make you more marketable to employers.


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